” We loved Danni P! She was awesome and would absolutely take another course from her! “
Private Online Adobe Dreamweaver Class
Dreamweaver CC level 1 class
( Earlier versions available )
Customised Private Class - 12 Hours
Cost: $895
Class Description
Dreamweaver Fundamentals provides web designers with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to build and manage professional websites using Dreamweaver CS5/6.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this class, you should be able to:
- Format using cascading style sheets
- Use graphics on web pages
- Use libraries and templates
- Test, maintain, and upload your site
Target Audience:
This class is for people new to web design and development and want to use Dreamweaver to build intuitive, attractive and accessible websites.
Class Outline:
The Basics
- Create a New Folder for a Site
- Define a New Site
- Set a Default Extension for New Documents
- Create a Basic HTML Page
- Add Content to a File
- Preview a Web Page in a Browser
- Modify Page Properties
- Format Text on a Web Page
- Link Web Pages Together
- Link Web Pages to Web Sites
- Add an Email Link
- Use the History Panel
Tables and AP Elements
- Define a New Site
- Create a New Page and Add a Title
- Add a Background Image
- Change Window Size
- Import Table Data
- Sort a Table
- Insert Table Rows and Merge Cells
- Format a Table
- Add a Tracing Image to a Page
- Create a Layout Table
- Add Images to Table Cells
- Add a Tracing Image
- Create AP Elements
- Add Images to AP Elements
- Convert AP Elements to a Table
Templates, Image Maps and Libraries
- Define a New Site
- Create an HTML Template
- Insert a Table Into a Template
- Insert Images Inside Table Cells
- Add an Editable Region to a Template
- Attach a Template to a Basic Page
- Update a Template
- Create an Image Map
- Create Library Items
- Use Library Items on Pages
- Update Library Items
Code View and CSS
- Use Code View
- Create a CSS File and Redefine the H1 Tag
- Redefine the H2 Tag
- Edit a Style
- Redefine Paragraph Tags
- Add a Rule Using the CSS Styles Properties
- Add Custom Styles
- Create a Pseudo-class Selector
- Add a Background Image to the Body Tag
- Attach a Style
- Duplicate a Style
- Define a New Site
- Insert a Form
- Add Single Line Text Fields
- Add a List
- Add a Radio Group
- Add a Check Box
- Add a Multi-Line Text Field with Scroll Bars and a Value
- Add Submit and Reset Buttons
- Process a Form
- Insert a Spry Validation Text Field
- Define a New Site
- Create a Frameset
- Add Content to a Frameset Region
- Name Frameset Regions
- Link Files into Named Frameset Regions
- Link a Frameset Region into Itself
- Control Frame Properties
Menu Bars
- Insert a Spry Menu Bar
- Remove Menu Items
- Edit Menu Item Text
- Add Links to Menu Items
- Edit the Menu Bar CSS
Advanced Templates
- Create a Template
- Create Editable Regions
- Create an Optional Region in a Template
- Make an Attribute Editable
- Link a Style Sheet to a Template
- Apply Templates to Pages
- Activate an Optional Region and Change an Editable Attribute Value
- Create a Nested Template
- Create Another Nested Template
Working with MS Office Documents
- Define a New Site
- Open and Clean Up Word HTML
- Remove Unwanted Head Content
- Find and Replace Line Break Tags
- Find and Replace Named Anchors
- Use the Tag Selector and Quick Tag Editor
- Superscript Text
- Crop an Image
- Move Images
- Import an Excel File
Cleaning Up
- Clean Up Word HTML
- Remove Unwanted Head Content
- Find and Replace Line Break Tags
- Find and Replace Named Anchors
- Save a Query
- Use the Quick Tag Editor
- Superscript Text
- Crop an Image
- Move Images
- Import an Excel File
- Add Elements and Graphics to a Page
- Add the Drag Element Behavior
- Create a Rollover Effect
- Add an AP Element to the Timeline
- Set Keyframes
- Add the AutoPlay Behavior to a Timeline
- Extend the Timeline
Site Enhancements
- Add a Flash Text Object
- Add a Meta Tag
- Edit a Meta Tag
- Add a Pop-Up Window Behavior
- Edit the Position of the Pop-Up Window
- Add Code Snippets
- Add a Java Applet to a Page
- Change the Size of a Java Applet
- Edit Java Applet Parameters
Dynamic HTML
- Create a Simple Rollover
- Create a Jump Menu
- Edit a Jump Menu
- Format a Page Using DIVs and CSS
- Create a Disjointed Rollover
- Create Elements
- Automatically Resize and Align Elements
- Hide Elements
- Add the Show-Hide Elements Behavior
- Add a Behavior That Will Display Original Text
- Add the Image Viewer Flash Element
- Add Images to the Flash Element
- Change Image Links Used in a Flash Element
- Add Autoplay and Delay Properties to a Flash Element
- Add Captions to a Flash Element
Site Management and FTP
- Retrieve and Remove Sites
- Check and Repair Sitewide Links
- Explore and Use the Site Map
- Add Design Notes to a File
- Set Up FTP Access
- FTP Files to a Host
- Report Missing Alt Text
- Check Out a File
Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical class. We may change or alter the class topics to meet the objectives of a particular class.
Dreamweaver CC level 2 class
( Earlier versions available )
Customised Private Class - 12 Hours
Cost: $895
Class Description:
Adobe Dreamweaver Advanced will help you to design and develop an impressive web site using Dreamweaver. This training walks through advanced concepts in Dreamweaver including creating pure CSS layouts, working with reusable assets such as Snippets, Library Items and Templates. In addition, you will get the chance to work with Adobe’s Spry Framework to create AJAX-enabled web pages. This series is just what you need to take your Dreamweaver skills one step further and give your site a professional polish.
Dreamweaver for Beginners class or equivalent knowledge.
Class Outline:
1. Designing with CSS
- Topic A: Overview of styles sheets
- Topic B: Page layout and global styles
2. Site assets
- Topic A: Library assets, snippets, and includes
- Topic B: Templates
- Topic C: Head elements
- Topic D: Images and multimedia
3. Forms
- Topic A: Creating interactive forms
4. Rollovers, behaviours, and AP Divs
- Topic A: Applying rollovers and behaviours
- Topic B: Creating and modifying AP Divs
5. Working with XML
- Topic A: Applying XML and XSLT
6. Collaboration and accessibility
- Topic A: Collaboration
- Topic B: Accessibility, usability, and site testing
Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical class. We may change or alter the class topics to meet the objectives of a particular class.
Tips & Tricks
Dynamic View with ‘Live View’
Go to View > Live View Options, then enter GET or POST parameters. This will now allow you to toggle between Live View and Design View.
Web Widgets in Dreamweaver
At the top left of your Application bar click on the Extend Dreamweaver icon (dark grey gear), click on it and select Browse for Web Widgets.
To insert a rollover image, click on Insert > Rollover Image
[show-testimonials orderby=’rand’ order=’ASC’ limit=’1′ layout=’slider’ options=’transition:horizontal,controls:none,pause:4000,columns:1,theme:quotes,info-position:info-below,text-alignment:center,charlimitextra: (…),image-size:ttshowcase_small,image-shape:circle,image-effect:none,image-link:on’]
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